
A Sample Six Pack Abs Workout For Beginners

You will find chiefly two muscle groups- the rectus abdominus that's lined up next to the abdomen and works by dragging the pelvis towards the belly button, and the slanting abdominus positioned across the abdomen and pull the abdomen button towards the backbone.

Just make sure to keep your balance and make certain your feet are facing out at about 45 degrees apart.rt.

Dumbbell Rows - You can do these bent over with both arms or you are able to lean over a bench and do them separately. To truly make it difficult attempt doing them only balancing on one leg.

Sit Ups on an Physical exercise Ball/Plank - The fantastic factor about doing sit ups on an physical exercise ball is which you are generating your body work harder simply because you should keep your balance whilst doing the exercise. Also it eliminates the strain on your back. You can easily make it challenging by holding weight above your chest. But if you do not have an exercise ball the plank is efficient for not only building your six pack abs but working your core. Do it by getting into the position of a push up only instead of planting your hands on the floor rest your forearms and keep your body perfectly straight for a minute.

Reverse Crunches - Start by laying on the floor together with your legs up in the air and your knees bent at 90 degree. Then bring your legs back to touch your chest and then forward once more.

You are able to also warm up and stretch prior to a workout. Do not believe that with this type of workout you can only do it three times a week. Really feel free to do a basic workout like this 4-7 times each week for a 2-3 weeks prior to progressing to tougher exercises like deadlifts.

If you wish to learn more about how to get rock hard abs then check out the Truth About Abs program loaded with different six pack abs workouts and in-depth guidance on nutrition. To visit the home page click here to learn the secrets of a leaner body.

Six pack abs could be simple to achieve if you know what to do, and how you can do the proper exercises. I'm going to show you three of the best with regards to a 6 pack ab workout. You will find tons of individuals that work and work to get 6 pack abs, but do not seem to get anywhere. These are meant for both men and ladies. You should see results in the event you add these exercises to your routine.

The initial 6 pack ab workout that we are going to talk about are crossover crunches.

First lie on your back together with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Cross your correct leg over your left leg to ensure that your ankle is resting on your left knee.

Place your fingertips to the side of your head just behind your ears.

Begin a crunch but twist your torso and touch your left elbow to your correct knee.

Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions before switching to the other side.

Next we are going to talk about the bicycle maneuver.

First lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Place your fingers on the side of your head behind your ears.

Being a personal trainer, exercise and dieting are too important to be overlooked. I attempt to make it a point to educate people on how you can live a healthier life.


What's Inside Jack3d Pre-workout Supplement

Jack3d, a pre-workout supplement, is now being tried and tested by many people who are into general fitness and by athletes and bodybuilders. This powder supplement is normally mixed with water, though other liquids may be used. It comes in several delicious flavors such as lime, grape bubblegum, and raspberry lemonade. Whereas majority of supplements don't taste good, this particular supplement is a clear stand out because of its delicious flavor. Users of this supplement have many good things to say about it.

 It seems that ever since it was introduced to the bodybuilding and fitness market, it has continuously shown tremendous results. Positive improvements in their exercise regimen have been noticed by those who take this. Most certainly, if there's a workout supplement that gives you the drive, energy, and focus to keep up with your workout, it has to be Jack3d. In addition, the common fatigue associated with extreme resistance workouts is slowed down by this amazing supplement. You can also do cardiovascular exercises and concurrently train extra hard when you take this.

 This supplement only contains active ingredients unlike other bodybuilding supplements where fillers like Magnesium and Maltodextrin are used just to speed up bulk loading. Throughout this article, you will get to know some of the ingredients of this supplement and what their purposes are. First on the list is Geranamine, which in all honesty is not FDA approved. Hence, it's advisable that you only take the supplement as stated on the label, no more and no less.

 Jack3d also contains Schizandrol A that speeds up reflex nerve responses. Caffeine is also present in this supplement. Of course, caffeine is important to maintain your focus and alertness during training. Beta-Alanine, a form of amino acid, is also present in this supplement. This helps slow down fatigue and increases muscle endurance and strength. Creatine-Monohydrate is also found here. Overall endurance is made possible by this ingredient.

 Muscle recovery is best achieved through this ingredient. Everyone knows how rigid workouts can make the muscles work harder, eventually damaging these. These worn-out muscles may be repaired by Creatine, although it's important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. Finally, Jack3d contains L-Arginine, another crucial form of amino acid that helps with the general circulation and flow of your blood. It helps your heart pump better and more effectively. These are the ingredients contained in this pre-workout supplement.


Top Exercises for Bodyweight Workout

If you're looking to build functional muscle mass, and have found it a bit difficult to come up with a bodyweight workout routine that can achieve optimal results for your body type, then you've come to the right place. These are a few bodyweight workouts that you can do right in your own home, saving you the time and money of having to go to a gym to see the same results. Also, these workouts are great for when you're on the road and don't have any of your exercise equipment with you, but sill want to get a bit of body sculpting in. Keep in mind that each of these bodyweight workout exercises should be done for up to two minutes, and should follow one another in succession, in order to get the most benefit from each.

Ab Crunches. This exercise is great for toning your abdominal muscles and can be done quickly and easily. Simply lay down flat on your back on the floor and your knees bent, then place your fingers on either side of your head. Bring your upper body up slightly, just until you can feel a fair amount of resistance, and hold for a couple of seconds, before lowering yourself back down again.

Lunge Jumps. Begin this exercise by bringing one foot forward while the other goes backward. Using sudden but controlled movements, jump up and switch leg positions. This is a great workout for the leg muscles, as well as the glutes. If you want to make it more difficult, then try following holding small weights as you do this exercise, in order to work out your upper body simultaneously.

Shadow Box. Though there is no set technique for carrying out this bodyweight workout exercise, it's a great way to be creative and work out a variety of muscle groups while involving cardio training. Simply throw some jabs and and punches into the air as you bounce around on the balls of your feet. Make sure to keep your motions controlled, and make your movements rapid. To make it a bit more beneficial, include some kicks in the mix or try holding bottles or cans as your exercise. This workout gives you the ability to work numerous muscles throughout the body.

These top exercises for a bodyweight workout will help to build functional muscle and improve your muscle tone, while burning calories. It's important to keep in mind, however, that you listen to your body, and only push it so far, in order to avoid muscle strain or injury. Avoid working out too intensely or too often, as both of these factors can lead to workout burnout.


Top 5 Cycling Workouts

While any riding will help there are some workouts that are more effective than others. Some rides are to get your ready to train. Others are to help you recover. But there are certain key workouts that require a lot of effort and payoff with big improvements. Spring is just around the corner so here are the top 5 workouts that will improve your speed, endurance and help burn the winter pudge by spiking up your metabolism.

 Warning: As with any exercise program, check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to do intense exercise.

 Velmax Intervals

 These are power based intervals I created based on research on increasing VO2 max and thresold power. To do these properly you will need a power meter and have tested your functional threshold power. These are among the hardest intervals I have ever done so if you have less than a year of training under belt or are coming off a layoff, don't do these as you will probably throw up if done correctly.

 The performance gains from these are quite rapid so the prescribed intensity is for the first time you do these intervals. Usually each workout you will increase either the number of intervals or wattage you do them at after the first workout.

 Warmup 15-20 minutes

 Velmax intervals

 30 seconds at 135% of FT power / 30 seconds easy Repeat until you can't sustain the wattage.

 As wattage flucuates I would usually set a target and when you can't sustain 10-20 watts below that level the workout is over.

 For example, if your threshold is 300 watts then your Velmax target for your first workout is 405 watts. It's okay to go above but don't drop below 400. When you can't keep it above 395 watts, the workout is over and cool down. The first time you do these it is common to only get 15-20 repeats. Keep the same wattage target until you can get over 30 repeats. When you can up your wattage for the next workout by 10-15 watts.

 Athletes I work with have gone from averaging 400 watts for 18 intervals to 450 watts for 31 intervals in just 3 weeks. This translates into increased higher sustainable power, higher sustainable heartrates and better recovery ability from hard efforts.

 The reason they work so well is that the 30 second work period really drives the heartrate up but the 30 second recovery isn't enough for your heartrate to come down much. With each interval your heartrate and oxygen useage keeps going up until you hit your Vo2 max. The recovery time is enough for your legs to clear a bit allowing your to do more work than you could if it was continuous. This allows you to accumulate a lot of time at your maximum oxygen capacity eliciting a rapid improvement in your cardiovascular system. While very effective, I once again to not try these if you aren't used to intensive training.

 Tabata intervals

 Tabata intervals are named after the doctor who did the research into the effectiveness of short high intensity intervals versus longer, moderate exercise. Tabata describes the interval protocol. 20 seconds work/ 10 seconds rest repeated 8-10 times. Dr. Tabata's research showed these intervals to be the most effective for eliciting improvement in both the aerobic and anaerobic system.

 The key is the maximal efforts with shorter recovery periods. Incomplete recovery leads to an increase in oxygen debt leading to and improved ability to process oxygen. In a six week study these intervals done 5 days per week increased VO2 Max by 13 percent, aerobic capacity by 14 percent and anaerobic capacity by 28 percent. This is with only 20 minutes of exercise a day including warmup and cool down.

 20 seconds hard / 10 easy spinning X 10 repeats = 5 minutes of hell

 Then ride easy for 5 minutes and do it again.

 Gauge you effort level " based on your current fitness level. If you are new to cycling or just getting back into go about 80% instead of all out. If you have been training regularly give each 20 second interval a 100% effort. Don't try to pace yourself, just attack each interval like its the last in the set.

 If you are using a power meter you want to target 150% of your functional threshold power for the 20 second hard efforts. When you start do just one set of intervals but as your fitness increases you should increase the number of sets you do.

 4 X 4 intervals

 Norweigian researchers Hoff & Helgerud have found you can get better increases in cardiac output from frequent high intensity exercise than longer but less intense training. The basis of Hoff & Helgerud's endurance training theory is the 4? interval. This means 4 intervals of 4 minutes each, at 85-95% of HR max (for top endurance athletes between 90-95% of HR max), with low-intensity breaks of 3-4 minutes. This is training which is meant to give the biggest increases in VO2max " which according to Hoff & Helgerud is the deciding factor for endurance (something I only partly agree on but anyway).

 The theory is based on training the heart at maximal Stroke Volumes to expose it to maximal shear stress - conditions which are only reached at the highest heart rates. Why 4 minutes? Apparently it takes over 2 minutes for the heart to reach maximal stroke volume under these conditions, so you need to keep working for a longer period of time in order to get maximal training effect here. They have found that intervals that last longer than 4 minutes usually mean a drop in intensity and are therefore less effective.

 The researchers had the athletes doing multiple days in a row of just 4? intervals (up to 18 sessions in 14 days) with 2-4 weeks of lower volume training to facilitate recovery, while still maintaining the gains without as much work needed. On average subjects saw a.5% improvement per workout.

 The experiments have led to large increases in VO2max, up to 10% increase in the course of the experiment for already highly-trained athletes. If you are training with a power meter or heartrate monitor do the intervals as follows: Warmup 15-20 minutes. 4 min at 120% of your threshold power at high cadence 100-110rpm or build to your maximum heartrate from the fitness test.

 - Recover for 4 minutes
 - Repeat for a total of 4-6 times.
 - Cooldown for 10-15 minutes

 Muscular endurance intervals

 This workout is good for increasing force development. Putting out a lot of power is the combination of pedal cadence and gear selection. Aerobic conditioning and pedaling drills will let you spin, and this workout will help you be able to do it in a bigger gear. This workout is great because it works the cardiovascular system and really works the legs. In time your legs won't get as tired from sustained hard efforts.

 While doing the low rpm intervals focus on being smooth and relax your upper body. If you have knee problems switch to higher cadences until your knees don't hurt.

 Do this workout twice a week with at least two days between workout as your legs will take longer to recover from this workout than higher candence aerobic riding.

 Warmup 15 minutes building up top end of your aerobic range (90% of your average heartrate from your fit test) Cadence 90-100 rpm.

 Work set 5 X 10 second stomps with 3 minutes recovery between efforts (choose a hard gear, slow to walking pace and then stomp on the pedals trying to accelerate as hard as you can for the 10 seconds). 5 minutes easy riding after the stomps followed by 10-30 minutes at 70 rpms at the top end of your aerobic zone. (If you are using a power meter this will be 85-90% of your Functional Thresold wattage). Cooldown 10 minutes easy spin to clear the legs and gradually bring down the heart rate.

 Threshold intervals

 Your Functional Threshold (FT) for practical cycling purposes is the maximum heart rate or power you can sustain for about an hour. The higher your threshold power the faster you can go for a sustained period without having your legs blow up on you. Very simply, the way to raise your anaerobic threshold is to ride at your threshold heart rate or power for progressively longer periods. These are hard but effective. If you have done the fitness test you will have calculated your anaerobic threshold heart rate and/ or power if you have a trainer or on-bike meter that measures wattage.

 Start with 2 X 10 minutes at your threshold heart rate with 5 minutes recovery between intervals.

 Each week increase the amount of time of the intervals by 2 minutes until you are up to 20 minutes each.

 To increase from there look to add a third interval or multiple days of threshold intervals in a row. This can be very taxing but when you recover from the workouts you will be stronger.

 Mixing it up

 While you will get your biggest improvements in fitness from high intensity workouts there is still a need to longer and easier rides. While you can build great endurance performance with the workouts listed above, if the events you do are long (ie. over 2 hours), you need to get your body used to spending that kind of time on a bike. As well, lower intensity rides are great in promoting physical and mental recovery. Sometimes it's hard to push yourself hard enough to get the training benefit from intervals because of mental burnout, so mixing up your training is a great way to keep fresh mentally and keep progressing physically. 


The Best Qualities Of A Six Pack Workout Program

The only thing that separates you from building a six pack that you so desire is a good workout program. With the many programs claiming to be the best, how do you know that the one you enroll in will work for you?

 Remember, that the time you spend in the program is valuable; not to mention the money that you spend. So it is important to ensure that both are well spent by investing them in the best abs workout program you can find.

 Here are some of the major points to look for when selecting the best program for building a six pack:

 1)Do-ability. Forget those that give outrageous promises of helping you gain even as much as one pound per week. This simply cannot be done for anybody who starts out with a lean mass. According to studies, when holding all things constant such as age, sex, heredity, type of abs workout program, time spent in training, and a host of other factors, you can only gain one to two pounds per month.

 2)Expertise. Know the basic facts about muscle growth and development. Be sure that in building a six pack, the workout program has all the basics down pat. Look for programs that talk about the types of muscular hypertrophy and differentiate between them. For example, sarcosplasmic hypertrophy is a characteristic of those who invest in building their bodies, while myofibrillar hypertrophy is for those who are into lifting of weights. Although the types of exercises tend to overlap, there are those regimen specifically geared for each type of muscle development.

 3)Individuality. Good programs take into consideration what you want. There are six packs for the regular guy, models, bodybuilders, with each differing in training intensity as well as results. Find a program which asks what you want before helping you journey to building the six pack that you desire.

 4)Safety. This is not the first thing you will consider when looking for a program, but is also an important aspect you should consider. If your program is not safe, all your efforts will end up futile when you cannot benefit from your hard work. A good program should coordinate with a doctor to know your condition.

 5)Scope. A good program does not only attribute muscle development to the exercise regimen alone but includes other aspects such as nutrition as well. The fact is that the body needs a constant supply of calories for it to be successful in building six packs. There is also the need for rest to allow your body to recuperate and be ready for the next onslaught of micro-trauma, which is how your body gains mass. 


Warm up, work out, stretch last

OK, time for your daily workout. Put on the sweats, lace up the sneakers and now to get limbered up with some long, deep stretches...

Not so fast there, Jane Fonda.

It wasn’t long ago that most people began their workouts - be it an aerobics class at the gym or a 5-mile run - with a series of stretches. Toe touches, lacing your fingers behind your head to stretch your upper back muscles, and other so-called “static stretches” were once considered the proper way to prepare your body for a workout.

Now, growing evidence suggests the opposite may be true, that stressing muscles before they’ve warmed up not only doesn’t help prevent injury, it can cause them.

“That puts a lot of stress on body,” says Laurie Pace, group exercise coordinator for the Morrison Family YMCA in Charlotte who began teaching 17 years ago. “You’re asking it to make immediate changes, to go from cold to hot over a few seconds.”

Pace says that thinking began to change 10 years ago when the American College of Sports Medicine advised their 45,000 certified instructors to change the way they ease into exercise programs.

Today, the experts advise, warm up first, work out and then stretch at the end.

“Now,” says Steven Wheelock, a wellness instructor with Rex Wellness Center in Knightdale, “we try to simulate what it is you’ll be doing in a workout. With the warm-up, we want to elevate your heart rate, your breathing and sweating in preparation for” rigor to come.

The new warm-up

Ten years ago before a 5K race it was common to see runners employing all sorts of glute, hamstring and calf stretches right before the gun went off. A recent study of about 3,000 runners conducted by USA Track & Field found that prerace stretching did not reduce the risk of injury.

A better approach to warming up before a run, says Pace, is to “walk in an exaggerated motion, swinging arms, bringing your knees toward your chest. This will prepare the body - your glutes, your hamstrings - for forward movement. It’s an unnatural position for running, but it starts movement process.”

In the Total Strength class Pace teaches, she says they spend the first 3 to 5 minutes simulating the exercises they’ll be doing, minus the weights. “We’ll start with a smaller range of motion, gradually building up.”

That 3- to 5-minute warm-up window, notes Wheelock, is what it takes to get your heart rate properly elevated.

Stretching still has its place as part of a workout, only at the end. After cooling down - in much the same way you warm up, by replicating the motions of your workout but with decreased exertion. And Pace says stretching help keeps your blood from pooling and creating a buildup of lactic acid.

That’s significant, she says, because it will lessen the soreness you might feel later on.

Taking the time

Getting the word out about the proper way to get into a workout is one thing. Getting people to stand still long enough to do it is another.

Shelly Tkach teaches beginner 5K and 8K running programs for Fleet Feet in Raleigh. The programs take new runners and train them to run a 5K or an 8K within 12 weeks. Before every 25- to 30-minute run she devotes 5 minutes to dynamic stretches, such as walking while bringing the knees up to the chest.

Are the newcomers embracing this aspect of the workout?

Tkach smiles. “They do it because they’re told to. Usually, they’re so hyper they just want to get out and start running.”


Yoga a popular class at local Senior Center

Thousands of people turn to yoga each day so they can experience the health and mental benefits that come from participating in the exercise. Senior citizens in Carter County now have the option of taking a yoga class at the Elizabethton Senior Citizens Center.

“They were all in one class,” Jackson said. “We had around 20 individuals and they were doing chair and regular yoga. You do get the same benefits with chair yoga as you do with standard yoga. With them both in the same class neither was getting the attention they needed to have a quality class.”

The chair yoga class is still small with around five people taking part. The traditional yoga class averages around 15 individuals each week but Jackson expects attendance in both of those classes to grow as word continues to spread about them.

Jackson is a certified yoga instructor. She said she did not start to do yoga until she was 60 years old and once she started it changed her life. She explained she had worked as a teacher and administrator in California for most of her working life which meant she was on her feet all day long. She was suffering from hip pain and had tried a number of unsuccessful treatments before turning to yoga.

“I was trying everything,” she said. “I tried magnets, chiropractors, cortisone shots and none of them was solving the problem. Someone recommended yoga and I was at the point where I was willing to try anything. It was like magic. Within two sessions I could feel a difference. I have never again had to go to chiropractors or get shots or take pain medicine. It has changed my life.”

After she retired, she decided to pursue yoga seriously and got her certification to teach yoga classes. She said she can teach all ages and takes into consideration any concerns or limitations someone has.

The yoga classes last approximately one hour. She said they offer a taste of “zen” to participants. The experience can be a silent, meditative class or one with verbal instruction, depending on if there are any newcomers in the class who need more direction.

Jackson said there are almost always newcomers to the class. She said there are regulars who attend each session but there are also usually a few new faces who come to check out yoga and see if it is for them.

Two of the yoga class regulars are Paulette and Jerry Bray. The Brays are members of the Senior Center and frequently volunteer at events and programs hosted by the center. Paulette said she was one of the original members who encouraged the Senior Center to start offering yoga classes. She noted she has been attending the class ever since it was started.

“I thought it would be something good they could offer for people’s health,” she said. “I had never done yoga before but I got a DVD and tried it. I thought I would be able to learn better being taught one on one with a person.”

Since starting yoga, she said she has noticed an improvement in her balance along with the ability to relax. She said she also has better quality of sleep.

Jerry Bray started doing yoga to help strengthen his back and to improve his mobility. He said he used to get yoga training at home but has since started coming to the senior center with his wife. He combined yoga with massage therapy to see an improvement for his back pain.

“I have seen the benefit of yoga,” he said. “Before I started doing this, I could not get down on the floor, but now I can.”

Lisa Botts was one of the first-time attendees at a recent yoga class at the center. She said she learned of the yoga class while attending a Zumba Gold class at the center and decided to give it a try.

“I have never done yoga before,” Botts said. “I want to get the benefits of stretching to improve my flexibility.”

For Jena Booker, yoga is just part of her exercise plan. She also regularly participates in water aerobics and the Zumba Gold class at the senior center. She said she has been to the yoga class three times and plans to keep it up after feeling the benefits of that exercise.

“I didn’t know how stiff I was until I started this class,” she said. “It really does work to loosen you up.”

Chair yoga begins at noon and gentle flow yoga begins at 1:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. The cost is $3 per class. Jackson said seniors do not have to be a member of the Senior Center to take her class.


Oprah’s trainer says your feet were meant for walking

Fitness guru Bob Greene says it’s time Americans eliminate the negative and literally start taking steps — a minimum of 10,000 a day — to develop a healthier lifestyle.

Walking may be the key to achieving new levels of fitness and overall wellness, says Oprah’s on-again trainer and long-time friend, but it will require Americans to increase their number of steps per day. Despite recommendations that 10,000 steps — or five miles — daily are needed to maintain proper fitness, many Americans average only 5,117 steps daily.

According to data published by the National Institutes of Health and American Council on Exercise, even people in on-the-go professions often fall short when it comes to meeting walking goals. Physicians and nurses log, on average, 5,325 and 8,648 steps, respectively. Office workers average 4,327 steps a day; teachers, 4,726 steps.

“What many people don’t realize is that exercise doesn’t have to require a huge time commitment — all it takes is adding a few extra steps throughout the day,” says Greene .

Greene suggests using a pedometer as an accountability and motivational tool while working up to a goal of 10,000 steps per day by walking for 30 to 60 minutes straight or, if necessary, in 10-minute increments over the course of a day. And he urges a commitment of at least six weeks to make walking a part of an ongoing healthier lifestyle.

“Stop with what I call ‘life excuses’ — ‘I don’t have time,’ ‘I can’t take on another challenge right now’ — and begin walking because you care about yourself, not to lose 10 pounds,” stresses Greene .

“Ten-thousand steps a day is not a daunting goal, but it’s a hard message to a non-exercising, non-moving public. For overall health benefits, I recommend even more steps: 12,000 to an ultimate of 18,000 steps a day ,” says Green .

The 53-year-old Greene, a daily walker, says, “Look for ways to get more walking into your everyday life by taking the stairs at work, walking down the hall rather than sending an e-mail to a co-worker, walking to the store instead of driving, walking from a parking spot deliberately chosen for its distance.”

Walking briskly with elevated breathing — or, as he puts it, “walking in a manner in which you can talk, but can’t talk easily” — should be the eventual pace.

Greene, who recently partnered with Bannockburn-based Omron Healthcare, Inc., makers of pedometers and blood pressure monitors, says, “Research shows that using a pedometer can increase physical activity by about 2,000 steps each day. A pedometer reminds you [that] you haven’t done much on a given day and need to get to work or it motivates and pushes you to reach the next level.”


Easy Things You Can Do To Create Your Own Gym At Home

Gyms are optional, even for those who want to bulk up. Great yet simple equipment as well as a strict exercise routine works wonders. Some pieces of equipment work better than others, so here's some that you may want to purchase.

You'll want to pick the kind of weight you want first. These are plastic, cast iron or rubber coated. Plastic filled weights are cheap and won't ding the floorboards, but they'll break easily. Weights made of iron are extremely tough and affordable, but can easily damage a floorboard. Weights coated in rubber are expensive and if bought cheap, can actually break.

There are two types of weights - Olympic and standard. The former is more appropriate for heavier lifting, as they allow for a larger bench and longer bars. First get four plates that are ten pounds each. Buy weights in pairs of increasing weight, but don't go cheap - the cheaper they are, the more likely you'll be purchasing inferior product.

Olympic weights have something called 'micro-weights'. These plates come in weights between one and five pounds. While these are extremely useful, they can be pricey.

A barbell might be included with a set of weights. It is recommended that you purchase a separate bar once you hit the heavyweights. Curl bars, to reduce wrist stress and thick bars, to change the way you lift and stress different muscles, are recommended.

Don't focus on purchasing cardiovascular equipment. Cardiovascular exercises are meant to prepare your body for the following work out. Jumping jacks, jogging around the block or a simple jumping rope work just as well.

A properly built and purchase gym at home will have the same effect on your body as if you did those same exercises using the same equipment at a gym. For safety, you may want to incorporate a weight belt into your routine. It is not absolutely necessary though and in fact, a weight belt is only useful once you're lifting way past your body weight.


2 Leg Exercises For Obese Weight

Exercise would help you to give the perfect shape to your body. If you have excess then the exercise is the best option for you as it would help you to reduce your weight as soon as possible. The main aim of the leg exercise is to reduce the extra fat that is found in your body. If you are overweight then the leg exercise is the best option for you.

The leg exercise is designed for the obese people. There are various types of leg exercises for obese and from this you are suppose to select the best option for yourself. These exercises would help you to give the perfect look to your legs. The main aim of this exercise is to target the various areas of the body. The following are the different types of leg exercises:

1. Functional Leg Exercises for Obese:

There are various types of functional exercises for leg exercise for obese. These exercises you can perform form any corner of the world. The main target of this exercise is to aim at the areas like lunges and the calf. If you want to perform this exercise then you will have to stand straight then step onward and then try to bend on your front knee. For balancing yourself you should hold dumbbells in your hand and these dumbbells should be of equal weight. This is the exercise that you can do on your stairs to. If you want to perform this exercise on stairs then you need to stand on your toes and try to push your weight upward and you can bend your self a little bit. Here also you can use dumbbells for balancing your weight. You can also use dumbbells to add some weight fore your exercise. If you want the results in short span of time then you should use a machine which is known as the calf raise machine.

2. Mechanically Enhanced Leg Exercise For Obese:

Mechanically enhanced leg exercise for obese is considered to be the most effective and best exercise for the legs. Mechanically enhanced exercises are like squats, leg presses and various other areas. If you want to perform this exercise then you need to take help of certain equipments. If you wan to do squat then you need instruments like barbell and different types of weights. If you want to maintain your safety then you should use instruments like squat machine or you can use squat power rack.


Ten Good Tips to Lose Weight

Below you find a few tips that can help you in your quest to lose weight. They will not magically make you reach your goals but can help you on your way if you are determined and work hard to lose weight

1.Make small goals. It is easy to dream about a slender body and make that your goal. This goal does however often end in disappointment. It is better to make many small goals on the way. This way it is easier to reach your goals and you feel that you are making progress which makes it easier to stick to a diet.

2.Avoid junk food: Avoid eating fast food and other junk food. It's fattening and doesn't help you lose weight. If you absolutely must eat fast food, give yourself one meal a week when you are allowed to eat fast/junk food.

3.Avoid fried food: Don't eat fried food but rather grill or boil your food. Avoid using extra fat. .

4.Eat Breakfast: Eating breakfast helps getting the metabolism started. You are also less likely to snack if you eat a good breakfast. .

5.Eat fish and chicken: fish and chicken is low on fat and can make an excellent weight loss diet. Avoid fat fishes. A good cheap weight loss fish is Tilapia. .

6.Start drinking water: Soda and juice contains a lot of calories. Drink water and safe a lot calories. .

7.Start taking walks: Walking one or two times a day isn't to hard but can help you lose weight faster. All other forms of physical activities are also good. .

8.Eat often: eating many well planned low calorie meals a day helps you keep from snacking and make you feel less hungry. .

9.Don't expect dream results: There are many diets that promises fast results but permanent weight loss takes hard work and dedication. .

10.Eat fewer carbs: Eat less pasta and bread. Reducing your carb intake is often one of the best methods of losing weight.

A bonus tip can be to get a dog. A dog need to be walked and will help to get you more active. Never get a dog if you don't have the time or will to care for it.


Rebounders - A Fun, Effective Health And Weight Loss Tool For Truckers

Rebounders are the best possible exercise equipment for Truckers. Many truckers have never heard of Rebounders and thus have no idea as to what they are or how to use them. They are mini-trampolines that are built for health and physical fitness. They range in diameter from 38 inches to 44 inches and are built on frames with legs that stand from 10 inches through 14 inches high. Some have strong mats with double-sided reinforced bands and high caliber springs which allow for a good joint friendly experience. Many rebounders are portable and are constructed with folding legs or frames for convenience and ease of storage and travel. This folding capability makes them easy to store in a truck for the convenience of the driver. Drivers are able to get a good workout anywhere and are not dependent on the exercise facilities available at truckstops.

Truckers suffer from many health problems because of the stress of driving trucks and being on the road so much. Many of them are overweight and suffer from illnesses and diseases caused in part by excess weight. In fact the average life expectancy of a truck driver is 61 years old which is 16 years less than that of the general population. Rebounding could greatly improve driver's health.

Exercising on a Rebounder is called Rebounding which has an amazing number of health benefits. It is a cellular exercise as opposed to a muscular exercise. Rebounding strengthens the immune system through the benefit the lymphatic system receives. All of the cells in the body become stronger. Another benefit is that it allows for an excellent exercise and weight loss program in a short amount of time.

The first exercise one should do when starting on a Rebounder is a health bounce which benefits the lymph system and burns calories. This a bounce where the feet don't leave the mat but the person bounces for five or more minutes. Some suggest that you do the health bounce for five minutes and gradually bounce for longer periods of time as you get used to it.

To lose weight on a Rebounder requires that you do aerobic exercises. These should be simulated walking, jogging, or running movements, etc. on the rebounder. Also, many people love to play good music and dance on a rebounder. Doing aerobic exercises on a rebounder will allow you to lose weight quickly and easily. The results are actually astonishing. For example a ten minute simulated walking workout on a rebounder is equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging and all without any damage to the musculoskeletal system.

Many prior runners which have suffered with shin splints and knee problems now do Rebounding exercises instead. Thus they no longer have tired muscles, torn or injured ligaments and tendons or other injuries cause by running. Exercising on a Rebounder absorbs 7/8% of the shock to the skeletal system. Also, many people have reported that when they exercise on a Rebounder they are also able to work longer, sleep better and feel less tired, nervous and tense.

Rebounding is the most beneficial and effective exercise known because it is an excellent aerobic workout plus a complete cellular workout a well. Investing in a good quality Rebounder may be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health. So get one and have fun all while bouncing your way to good health.


Fat Transfer For Buttocks Augmentation

Many women, and even some men, are becoming more interested in Brazilian butt lift procedures. This type of cosmetic surgery is aimed at reshaping your rear end to make you appear more youthful, perky, and full.

The surgery can help balance out the proportions of the body and can create a more feminine silhouette for women. Your clothes will fit better. You'll appear to be in a better physical shape. That, in a way, will increase your self-confidence.

The two methods used in this procedure are either using implants or re-shaping the butt through fat transfer. The implant method used is similar to breast augmentation. The implant used, however, is stiffer than the kind used for breasts.

An incision is made and the implants are placed inside, giving a more rounded and voluminous appearance. Although implants may be a good option for some, buttock augmentation by transferring your extra flab is increasing in popularity.

There are many benefits if you choose this method over traditional implants. The first step in the procedure, for the plastic surgeon, is to harvest the extra tissue from any another area of the body, usually through liposuction.

The popular choice for liposuction is the stomach, which will also simultaneously smooth out any unwanted belly bulge. The extra flab is extracted and then processed to remove any unwanted substance and is then re-injected into different areas of the buttocks. Most patients will require many injections to achieve the desired results.

As compared to buttocks implants, fat transfer can be tailored to suit individual needs. Implants come in two different shapes, oval and round, which limits the choice of the surgeon. If you have a specific idea about the outcome of your cosmetic surgery, this procedure allows you to be more selective.

Buttocks augmentation through re-arranging your own unwanted tissues gives a much more natural-looking result, largely due to the fact that it uses your natural body tissues and no artificial enhancements such as implants. A skilled plastic surgeon can not only increase the volume, shape, and projection of the buttocks, but also can make it appear lifted and more youthful.

Recovery from the surgery takes about two weeks and you need to wear a special undergarment for at least the first week following the surgery. There will be slight pain, a feeling of tenderness, and swelling. Not all of the fat will be retained. A small percentage will slowly be reabsorbed back into the body. However, most surgeons compensate for this fact by slightly over-injecting the tissue giving enough room for re-absorption.

Brazilian butt lift has a lower risk of infection than implants. But bleeding, skin necrosis, and bruising are possible risks. If you're considering undergoing a buttocks augmentation, many plastic surgeons will recommend the fat transfer method. You'll not only trim the rest of your figure through liposuction, but also receive optimal results with minimal evasiveness.


Butt Lift Surgery - Get a Perkier Bottom

A butt lift surgery is a procedure that tightens and lifts the skin of the buttocks. The surrounding tissue is repositioned and excess skin removed in order to create a more pleasing and youthful appearance.

This treatment should not be confused with that of the Brazilian butt lift, which adds volume to the buttocks through the use of injections of the patients own fat to increase projection and create a sort of lifted effect.

A drawback to the procedure is that it may flatten out the buttocks too much. In such cases, a lift may be performed in combination with a fat grafting procedure or additional augmentation methods involving the use of extra skin taken from the patient.

This treatment is typically performed on patients with excess amounts of hanging, loose skin on the buttocks and the backs of the upper thighs. The treatment can also be beneficial to the appearance of cellulite. The overall goal is to return the body to a more normal appearance after skin has lost its elasticity due to either age related change or extreme weight loss.

While small bits of fat may be removed along with your excess skin, the procedure is not intended as a solution for the removal of large fat deposits. It is recommended that patients be stable, and near their ideal weight prior to considering this surgery.

Ideal candidates for the operation are non-smokers who are in good health and are able to maintain a stable weight through a proper diet and exercise. It is also important for the patient to have a set of realistic expectations and a positive outlook regarding the possible outcome.

During the recovery process, patients are advised not to sit for at least a week post operation. While most are able to return to their daily routines after 2 weeks, it is only appropriate provides there are not long periods of required sitting. In addition, strenuous activities should be avoided for four to six weeks.

The surgery is often performed in conjunction with various other procedures in order to enhance the results. Other treatments include breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or liposuction. Body lifts are also common. The possibilities are virtually endless.

If you are interested in pursuing this type of procedure, the best place to begin is by contacting a board certified plastic surgeon. He or she will best be able to provide you with the information and counsel necessary to embark upon your surgical journey.


3 Exercises to Reduce Waist Size

I promise they have nothing to do with jogging for a half hour on the treadmill like a hamster. Also... no crunches, no situps, no elliptical, no stairstepper. Basically, none of that crap! I have much better exercises that are more fun to do.

3 Exercises to Reduce Waist Size

1. Hindu Squats

This helps reduce the waist size by burning up a ton of calories. It creates a huge oxygen deficit which ellicits the body to burn off fat for energy. Here's what you do...

In your living room or wherever, just squat up and down as fast as possible. Be sure to touch or swipe your finger tips onto the ground with each repetition to insure you went low enough with the squat. Do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. Once you can do that, add another 100 repetitions and do in under 10 minutes.

There are no weights or anything else needed. Just keep your back pretty straight when you do it. Do this everyday. Hey! Don't complain, it only takes 5-10 minutes.

2. Walking up an incline

This is another biggie. It also creates a huge oxygen deficit which forces the body to burn belly fat for energy. All you do is take a treadmill and incline it to 10-15 degrees and walk for 15 minutes. Sound easy? Try it. You can thank me later. It's like night and day inclining a treadmill and walking or jogging on a flat treadmill.

You can also walk up hills. But I can't snap my fingers and put a hill outside your house. So the first 2 exercises are more calorie and fat burners which annihilate belly fat by stealing it for energy.

3. Vacuum Pose

Ok, now this is a direct abs exercise. In fact, it's the best exercise you can do to reduce your waist size. My clients lose between 1.75-3 inches off their waists in less than a month doing this exercise.

Here's what you do...

Suck in your belly button... not your upper abs area. Suck it in until you can't suck it in any further. It should feel like your belly button is touching your spine.

Now, hold that position for 15-60 seconds. Rest, then repeat. Do this for 5 minutes everyday and you should be down 1.75 inches from your waist in less than a month. My clients who've done this for 20 minutes a day have lost an incredible 3 inches from their waists.


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The 10 minute workouts are made up of four sets of 45/15 second efforts, interspersed with 60 seconds of cardio activity to keep your heart rate up while targeting problem areas and achieving real results.

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