
9 Reasons Why You Should Follow A Good Workout Routine

Here are 9 good reasons why you should follow a good workout routine:
  1. Conditioning: Sports conditioning guidelines call for consistently training at least three days a week with alternate days of rest. There are also programs that will follow good workout routines four days, five days or even up to seven days per week. These programs follow split routines. This means that different body parts are trained on different days, so you won't train the same body part two days in a row. Even the ratio of one day of exercise to six days of no exercise may do more harm than good.

  2. Aging: Nobody can deny the fact that aging involves the gradual breakdown of the physical and mental systems of the human body. Over time, stress, pollution and poor diet all play important roles in this process. It has been proven though, that following a good workout routine can reverse or at least slow down many of the negative effects associated with aging.

  3. Home exercise routine: Modern gyms are a buzz of activity with all the fitness freaks. Many people don't like the idea of all this activity though.... Waiting in line for your turn to get to the weights, and when you do get to them, you've got to hurry up, because the next guy is waiting. The good news today is that you can find a good home exercise routine online. Just make sure you get good customer service, and the person responsible for the workouts is properly qualified.

  4. Find activities that you enjoy: You don't have to sweat it out in the gym, or start running marathons in order to get fit and healthy. Low intensity activities such as golf or bowling, will let you do a lot of walking and develop good hand-to-eye and body coordination.

  5. Flexibility: With a good workout routine you can also increase your flexibility, by including a good passive stretching routine into your workouts. Be sure though to focus on a passive (slow and gentle) stretching routine, rather than the ballistic (bouncing) form. Ballistic stretching tend to cause injuries.

  6. Better posture: Chronic backache is a common problem to millions of people worldwide. This is caused by our modern lifestyle to a great extent. We have the luxury of driving wherever we want to go. At work, many people are bound to a desk for many hours per day. A good workout routine, including regular stretching and strengthening of the lower back and abdominal muscles can counteract "sedentary stress".

  7. A healthy heart: Coronary disease is directly linked to inactivity in many people. A good workout routine tones the body and prepares it not only for sports, but for the sudden demands of stress as well. Research shows a great correlation between psychological stress and physical illness.

  8. Fat loss: By following a good workout routine, you can speed up your metabolism and maintain a good balance between lean body mass and fat mass.

  9. Nutrition: Finally, learn about your diet. This doesn't have to be a burden, and can be very rewarding. Proper nutrition goes hand in hand with your workout routine in achieving ultimate fitness.

